Get A Life With Misspelt Keywords
I have already mentioned in some of my previous posts that you can
also get traffic with misspelt keywords. Well here is one example I
want to show who is making living of
At times I have the habit of typing the letters incorrectly while searching, some times because of the position in which I am while typing and some times because of carelessness as google will correct the mistyped. Really I have to admit that google had made me really lazy in this issue. Generally I don't type wrong keywords while typing URL's but recently I got a habit of mistyping gmail. Actually my laptop's "G" key is a little bit hard ( tried to meddle with it by removing and placing it back). So because of that I got the problem with the gmail at times.
I accidentally stumbled upon a site GMIAL.COM and came to know that this site is sponsored by Well its a email forwarding and domain forwarding website. For every 10 times of typing gmail I will type the wrong spelling for 1 time on an avarage. I have checked the free keyword suggestion tool by word tracker for that misspelt keyword gmial and came to know that many people have the habit of doing it. Well right now half a day is over and the word tracker showed already 101 searches for that mistyped. So all the traffic will be redirected to that misspelt spelt which is redirected to
So I recommend people to find a misspelt for a popluar a site in your niche and then try to convert the sites traffic to your site.
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At times I have the habit of typing the letters incorrectly while searching, some times because of the position in which I am while typing and some times because of carelessness as google will correct the mistyped. Really I have to admit that google had made me really lazy in this issue. Generally I don't type wrong keywords while typing URL's but recently I got a habit of mistyping gmail. Actually my laptop's "G" key is a little bit hard ( tried to meddle with it by removing and placing it back). So because of that I got the problem with the gmail at times.
I accidentally stumbled upon a site GMIAL.COM and came to know that this site is sponsored by Well its a email forwarding and domain forwarding website. For every 10 times of typing gmail I will type the wrong spelling for 1 time on an avarage. I have checked the free keyword suggestion tool by word tracker for that misspelt keyword gmial and came to know that many people have the habit of doing it. Well right now half a day is over and the word tracker showed already 101 searches for that mistyped. So all the traffic will be redirected to that misspelt spelt which is redirected to
So I recommend people to find a misspelt for a popluar a site in your niche and then try to convert the sites traffic to your site.
Atlast I have reached the payout from Mgingerwebsite.
Well I almost forgot that I have registered under this website. For the
first 10 days I worked actively on this website and then afterward I
forgot about this. Recently when I was just looking at my previous
posts I came remembered this site and after logging into the site I
came to know that I have crossed the payout. So I have requested and
got a check from them. Well actually I made a screen shot of the check
but unfortunately I some how deleted the pic. So I am actually adding a
letter which I got from them along with the check.

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